Armor Bearer Workshop

Based on the best-selling book God’s Armor Bearer this course explores the biblical foundation, responsibilities, and spiritual significance of an armor bearer. Drawing from Scripture, guest instructor, Pastor Terry Nance, guides students to examine the anointing, authority, and character required to fulfill this role effectively. This course is for everyone serving in ministry.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Lesson 1: The Anointing of an Armorbearer

    • Session 1

    • Armorbearer Packet

  • 2

    Lesson 2: Understanding Authority

    • Session 2

  • 3

    Lesson 3: The Function of an Armorbearer

    • God's Armor Bearer Session 3

  • 4

    Lesson 4: The Characteristics of an Armorbeare

    • Lesson 4: The Characteristics of an Armorbearer